Invited Ensemble Criteria & Information

TODA Invited Ensemble Initiative

The goal of the TODA Invited Ensemble initiative is to invite a variety of ensembles representative of the robust music education that is happening across our state. Through this program, TODA hopes to feature different genres, socioeconomic levels, and ages. 

We are excited to announce the continuation of student performing ensembles for the 2025 Summer Convention. We are looking for two small sized performing ensembles to perform at various points throughout the convention. We would like to invite two performing ensembles across the following categories:

  1. Middle School/High School Chamber ensemble
  2. Special Ensembles (Mariachi, eclectic styles, unique instrumentation, etc.)

Invited Ensembles will perform at either the TODA General Session or the Awards Ceremony in addition to performing at a scheduled time in the Exhibit Hall.

A committee of TODA members will adjudicate all recordings submitted and select two groups to invite.

Invited Ensemble Requirements

  • Small ensemble (a group of up to 16 students is recommended)
  • Any genre is acceptable- school ensembles, eclectic styles, private studios, youth orchestras, community ensembles
  • Submit a video recording consisting of one to three pieces of music (7-15 minutes in length)
  • Invited Ensemble directors must be a TODA member; all students will need a family badge to attend and perform at the convention
    Parents and family members must purchase a family badge to attend performances
  • $50 group application fee
  • Invited ensembles must provide their own transportation to the convention – director will submit a letter from a principal/superintendent or program/studio director (if non-public/private school program) indicating that your group will be able to perform at the convention if invited and that they understand the requirement for transportation to the convention
  • TODA will not provide housing
  • If the director of the school/ensemble leaves their position after being invited, the ensemble cannot perform at the summer convention
  • Two letters of recommendation are required. Middle School/High School ensembles must submit one letter of recommendation from an administrator and one from another colleague (TODA member or an additional administrator). Ensembles that meet outside of school (such as private lesson studios, community ensembles, etc.) must submit two letters of recommendation from active TODA members. Recommenders will need to complete the evaluation and upload recommendations using the Recommendation Form below. Please do not have recommenders email recommendation letters to TODA office.

Performance Requirement

  • Invited ensembles may perform the same selections submitted on the video recording
  • Performances should be 7 minutes at minimum and 15 minutes at maximum; any number of pieces that fit within this time frame is appropriate
  • Performers will receive a certificate of recognition
  • Performers should bring any equipment needed for the performance. Stands and chairs are provided for the performance, however, only chairs are available in the warm up room. Groups are asked to bring folding music stands if they will need them for the warm up room
  • TODA will not print programs for the performance. Instead, the program will be displayed on a screen next to the performance space. If an invited group would like to provide their own printed programs, they are welcome to do so.

TODA is looking to showcase the diverse variety of music ensembles we have in our state, and feature excellent teaching at all levels. We look forward to seeing the amazing teaching happening in our state!